Dragon’s Blood

In days of ancient times gone by

The dragons wings would beat and fly

Above the city drifting high

With dragons roar and dragons cry

The people down below would think

Of lives lived in a dragons blink

They lived for years and years

With dragon laughs and dragon snears

Til came a traveller with magic spears

Who had no worries or dragon fears

He rode his horse into the town

Looking up and never down

Preparing for the mighty fight

A warrior, a noble knight

Who seeing dragon he did charge

Although the creature was so large

Forward did he drive his steed

To make the dragon finally bleed

He took his spear and threw it quick

Saw it in the hard scales stick

A lucky shot and no mistake

The dying dragons furious shake

The beast was vanquished gone for good

He gathered up the dragons blood

The dragon now will never fly

Or give another dragon cry

And one day there will be a doubt

Of if there were dragons ere about

But there will always be some tales

From Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales

Of dragons foul and dragons good

Of dragons scales and dragons blood

And in those stories they survive

The dragons kept in dreams alive.

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