Writing prompt Book One

I have put out a free book of writing prompts. I am hoping that people will find them useful for inspiring creative work. Some of them will encourage poetry, others short stories. Some will be pieces of work for places like this site, or sometimes more adult work.

Really speaking the book is a tool to be used in any way that you feel is fitting. I have put this out so that I can pay back a bit for the good fortune I have had over the decades. I want to do what I can to get you working in a wonderful flowing way. Try to put you into a mental state of just giving it a shot.

This will not make you into a world class writer, but it might get you at least moving the pen over the paper 🙂 (if you still use a pen and paper of course). Anyway it is a free download so it’s worth a try right?

What’s the worst that can happen.


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